This message means that the Windows boot loader cannot be found. This is often the result of trying to boot from a disk that is not a boot disk. If not, it means that the boot loader file has been lost or corrupted.
Method 1
Disonnect any removable drives, and check that there are no CDs or DVDs in the CD/DVD drives, then restart.
If this does not resolve the problem, try Method 2.
Method 2
Repair using Spotmau PowerSuite boot CD.
* Insert the Spotmau PowerSuite boot CD and start the computer.
* Select Windows Recovery.
* Select Windows NT/2000/XP/2003.
* Select Recover NTLDR and NTDETECT.
* Choose the correct Windows version, e.g. Windows XP.
* Click Recover.
Alternatively, follow the instructions on this page.
Applies to
* Microsoft Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows XP
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Pc show NTLDR is missing
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