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Future of Mobile Technology

With rapid advancements in mobile technology, it seems that the day is not far when this technology will take the world by surprise.

We are yet to see the differences that technology can make to our lives. Working from home & geographically spread out locations is becoming an upcoming trend with developments in laptop, mobile & wireless technologies. Such advancements in technology are the result of deep knitted integration between different technologies & devices. 3G technology is becoming older with other disruptive technologies in the pipeline. This was slower & more expensive with speed varying between 400Kbit/sec. and 700Kbit/sec. this will soon change with launch of new Wi Max technology. It will bring a revolutionary change in wireless broadband. Its speed will lie between 2Mbit/sec & 4Mbit/sec. Also it will be offered at a price point that matches that of cable access & is cheaper than 3G technologies to offer more competitive advantage. These advancements in technology will have severe implications on corporates, entrepreneurs, and students & will touch every aspect of mankind. Close to 8% of businessmen who remain on the move have chucked out their desktops & operate only through their smart phones or laptops.

As larger screens in PDAs & mobile phones are becoming more popular, there is increasing scope for marketers to go in for advertising through SMS, picture messages & interactive advertising. World is also getting better connected due to advancements in technology that supports social networking. Face book, orkut, linkedIn & many other portals are becoming famous places for social interaction. Software are being developed which will allow make interaction through these sites much more interactive & at the same time come up with better interface technology which improves networking & socialising through PDAs & mobile phones.

A new software for mobile phones allows user to store contact details & addresses in cell phones by speaking out their start & end points instead of having to undergo the cumbersome process of feeding them through small keys of the phone.

With such drastic changes in mobile phone technology, we are yet to see the wonders & changes that these devices can bring to our lives.

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