Repair Windows Registry

A Free Registry Scan Is Just A Plus…

The Windows registry is basically a large database used in all Microsoft Windows system that keeps all settings, options, preferences, and hardware options of the user. It continues to grow every time you boot Windows. Each time your computer starts up, Windows initially notifies the registry to let every installed software know the settings, documents, program paths, and a bunch of other stuff. The registry slowly accumulates clutter this way, and this slowly leads to a degradation in your computer’s speed.

When you install and then delete that program, traces of the program will remain in the registry database also.

Here’s the issue — After you’ve made changes to the registry, it can’t be undone without specialized software (or manual editing).

Doing a manual edit of your registry is a disaster and isn’t something the average computer user wants to try. Think of it this way: the best registry is always a virgin registry.

Ever since Windows 95, most if not all programs will intentionally leave behind entries in the registry to preserve licensing information, that aren’t deleted during an uninstall. This left over “stuff” continues to pile up until a registry cleaner program is employed to get rid of it.

Another thing to keep in mind, a good number of computer crashes could further corrupt your registry.

What to look for in a top-notch registry cleaner

Registry cleaning programs are designed to scan the registry, identify, and remove any no longer needed entries it holds. But that is the ideal situation. The reality is, there is no flawless registry cleaner. Every registry cleaner has several complex formulas which help them “identify” what is a necessary key and which is trash. There’s no way of forseeing if deleting a registry key will affect system performance in subtle ways. Therefore, a good registry cleaner should allow you to backup the registry before you begin cleaning the registry.

Here’s a safe way to back-up your registry nice and easy:

Click Start – Run
Type: regedit (which opens up the registry editor window)
From the box, hit File – Export
Save it with a name you’ll remember, preferably including the date

If you observe, there are actually four kinds of registry cleaners:

Deep scan registry cleaners
Light scan registry cleaners
Balanced scan registry cleaners
Fake registry cleaners

A deep cleaner is actually dangerous to your computer because it might delete some important registry keys by being overzealous. A light scanning program, isn’t much use either; it simply skims the surface. A bogus registry cleaner is dangerous, because it is malware disguised as a registry cleaner. Beware of downloading something just because it’s free!

The “best” registry cleaner is one that:

Defrags the registry
Offers a backup of the registry
Asks whether you want to delete various entries and offers solutions
Perform other spin-off tasks BESIDES registry work

Rather than simply suffering with the slow speed of your system and the constant crashes, you can, in fact, do something about it. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a good registry cleaner. It will help your system run as smoothly and efficiently as the day you bought it.

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