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Netbooks, Notebooks: What's the difference?

Netbooks are little computers that are receiving big attention these days. Netbooks are actually mini-notebook computers with limited applications. They are designed to be extremely portable, allowing internet use while out and about (hence the "net" in netbook).

A netbook has a screen size of twelve inches or smaller and is very light-weight, generally less than three pounds. These energy-efficient mini-computers are perfect for email, chat, Web surfing or even movie watching. Most designs out now run Windows XP or Linux operating systems and are not intended for extensive data storage or complicated programs like Photoshop or 3D games. However, at less than $400 they may offer the perfect solution for consumers who want the newest gadget at a reasonable price.

It is the price that is posing a problem for manufacturers. It was likely that the netbook was created to complement the notebook computer; a consumer would want both to serve different purposes. But as the economy has gotten tougher, people are buying the cheaper netbooks at a faster rate. "... the low price tag that makes them such a hit these days means less revenue and profit for PC makers than what their full-size counterparts produce," said tech columnist Dan Zehr.

Last fall, of the top-selling laptops on Amazonover half of them were netbooks. An analysis on noted netbooks "could dent Macbook sales." This was particularly true during the back-to-school and holiday shopping periods. Of course, sales of iPhones and Blackberries are not being impacted in the same way as notebook computer sales, as they hold a different niche in the market.

So are netbooks worth the hype? That depends. If a consumer is looking for a powerful machine to be able to perform typing-heavy applications on-the-go, he would be better served sticking with a laptop computer. John New, senior manager for global product marketing at Dell Inc., said the netbooks work nicely for portable entertainment, but they are not intended for creating content or long periods of use.

That may be the netbooks biggest problem. While they offer a longer, more in depth Web experience than a smart phone, it is considerably shorter than a laptop computer with a larger battery capacity. The netbook allows use between 30 and 45 minutes, which is significantly less than most plane rides.

If the little computer with the little price tag does prove too irresistible to pass up, there are a few things to consider when purchasing a netbook. First, the price is budget friendly, but the consumer should make sure the netbook is user friendly for his individual computer needs. It's not a great price if it sits unused. There are choices on operating systems, so the consumer should make sure they understand how to use what they are getting. Finally, try several out to make sure screen and keyboard size make for comfortable use.

Also, as PC manufactures and retailers are adjusting for the netbooks popularity they are offering deals with notebooks and netbooks packaged together. They are not exactly on par with two for one deals, but it may be the best deal in the long run.

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